You see, Joe Cobb is part of a larger chain-gang called 'Powder Gangers' and has a smaller gang ready to attack the town of Goodsprings. Later, you encounter someone named Joe Cobb threatening to burn the town to the ground, unless they hand over a trader named Ringo.
No, the doc waits until both of you are all the way to the front door before finally offering you a vault jumpsuit because that isn't bizarre at all, right? Then you have to sit through the psychological evaluation test still no clothes. By comparison, Doc Mitchell is wearing something resembling a field hand outfit, yet you never see him work in the field. There is an American photograph taken in 1948 called ' Country Doctor', which is considered to be a classic of sorts.
And even if you did pick the trait, it's still creepy.ĭoc Mitchell doesn't even look like a country doctor. And you haven't even had the chance to pick or not to pick the 'Wild Wasteland' trait yet. The doctor mentions nothing of it and instead of offering you a clean set of clothes as soon as you can walk, he wants you to use the suspicious-looking 'Vigor Tester', which strongly resembles a ' love tester machine' you might still find in some pubs or bars. You wake up in Doc Mitchell's house and your clothes are gone.